Tuition & Fees
historically great
Our Tuition Philosophy
Every child has a right to an affordable, excellent education.
Registration Fee
A $125 registration fee is required for 2024-2025 school year.
Tuition Fees - Weekly
- Age 2 $230.00
- Age 3 $225.00
- Age 4 $215.00
- Age 5 $210.00 (Not in Kindergarten)
- Age 5-12 $210.00 (In-School)
The above amounts are paid one week in advance. It is due on Monday morning of each week and must be paid no later than 12:00 Noon. Payments made after this date and time will incur a late fee of $25.00. If tuition is not paid by Tuesday of the same week, the child will not be permitted to attend SJPS.
Method of Payment
Tuition may be paid online (via Brightwheel) or at school by debit, check or money order. Cash transactions are not allowed. For checks that are returned for any reason, a $25.00 fee is assessed and must be paid by money order only upon notification by management. In the event that a child is sick for an extended period of time, tuition may be adjusted after consultation with SJPS director and the presentation of a doctor’s statement. Otherwise, full tuition is due.
Late Pick-Up Fee
Parents who pick-up children after 5:45 p.m. will be charged a late pick-up fee of $10.00 for every fifteen (15) minutes or any portion thereof after 5:45 p.m. SJPS has a compelling reason to close its operations and prepare for the next day. When this effort is delayed or hampered, it cost unnecessary expenses. Parents are advised that they can avoid this fee by making arrangements to pick-up their child as required.
More Info
Children who are absent due to reasons other than death in the immediate family (mother, father, sibling) are required to pay full tuition. During the summer session, vacation will be honored up to one week vacation during the summer months only & the week of teacher-in -service training in August. Tuition and fees may change with or without advanced notice. Parents will be notified of such as soon as possible.