Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
historically great
That depends on you. You can be a member in name only or you can become an active member. We invite you to become an active participant in your student’s education by being an active participant in the SJPS PTO. Parents, grandparents, neighbors, and siblings, we need your help! Being an active participant, being involved, is not synonymous with being “sucked in”. The level of involvement is up to you! Learn more about how a small amount of time translates into a huge amount of involvement.
The benefits of membership are very rewarding. You have the knowledge that, with your participation and involvement, the educational and social experiences of all students at SJPS have been greatly enhanced. That is in addition to the benefits listed above.
Participation through volunteering allows you to be “hands on” with your child’s education. All research indicates that when families are involved, a child is more apt to get higher grades, be more likely to graduate, and go on to college. Our children love to see us in this environment where they spend seven hours a day. You get to know your children’s teachers and your children’s friends. Participation through attendance at PTO meetings gives you a voice. You help decide what we do as a group. You help decide where the money should go. If you are new to the SJPS School, the established families are available to answer questions and ease your transition into becoming a school family. If you are new to our community, were always happy to help wherever possible. An added bonus is that you have the opportunity to meet wonderful people who can become great friends.
The next level of membership is to be a voting member. Discussion, ideas and suggestions are always welcome from all members, but our bylaws allow that only members, who have made a $5 Parent Group Contribution, prior to the October meeting of the current school year, are allowed to vote during meetings or hold office on the board. This contribution could provide transportation to field trips or supplement a teacher’s classroom supply order. Voting takes place on the budget, changes in fundraising or programs, bylaws, and for board members.
The SJPS PTO is more than just fundraising. Fundraising is really just a necessary evil as school budgets are requiring more and more cuts. It is our privilege that we are able to provide the supplies, equipment and activities that our school budgets can no longer cover. We are only able to do that through our SJPS family’s willingness to participate in our fundraisers. Candy and Popcorn Sales, Spirit wear, and Vendor/Craft Fair are some of the ways we raise money for items such as classroom supplies, literacy support, class trips, and assemblies. It also helps in funding the student planners, such as our May Day Festival and also fund activities for our family members such as our “Grandparent’s Breakfast” or “Movie Night”.
We are about men and women working together toward a common goal. That goal simply stated is creating a better school and a better educational experience for our children. We strive to create an atmosphere where teachers, administrators, and support staff can do their best work – and so can our children. There’s so much more that can be done, and we need your help. We look forward to seeing all that can be and will be accomplished this school year when we come together, as a group and as a community, to enhance and maximize the education of every child.
Parents are encouraged to take an active role in an array of day-to-day and special events at Saint John Preparatory School, including:
Chaperoning educational field trips
Organizing fundraisers and other programming
Volunteering as room parents
Joining and participating in the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
Assisting in holiday programs and festivities