Taylor-Cherie Brown
historically great
Birthday: December 31st
Hometown: Columbia, SC
Number of years at SJPS: Two years
Favorite part of your SJPS day: Circle time, talking to the students, Arts & Crafts, and Friday party time with everyone. Watching my students do their work and showing me they can do anything they put their mind to.
Favorite color: Olive Green
Favorite season: Fall
Favorite food: Steak & Fries
Favorite music: Gospel, Neo Soul, Old school 80’s
Favorite book: N/A
Hobbies: Painting and drawing
What relaxes you: Doing artwork (painting and drawing); listening to music
What makes you laugh: My family, movies, being around funny people
Anything else you want to share about yourself with the community: I love going above and beyond with helping others, helping my students, and having a comfortable classroom. I also love to babysit.